Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Web.)

Dandelion is the common name of Taraxacum officinale Web. It is a perennial plant, whose height varies from 5 to 50 cm, and is characterized by stems filled with milky juice, yellow flowers gathered in large flower heads, and a taproot.

After blooming and fruit dispersal, it resembles a monk’s skull, which is the reason for its Polish name (“little monk”). It is commonly found in Poland, growing on roadsides and meadows, where it is regarded as a troublesome weed. Its leaves and roots have long been used in herbal medicine. A decoction of roots and chopped herbs drunk as a tea has cholepoietic properties and it is also used to treat skin diseases and colds.

Currently, dandelion varieties are grown in Western Europe and North America, where its young leaves are used in salads or soups. Young dandelion flower heads are cooked like capers, and open flower heads are used to make wine. The roots – similar to chicory roots – may be used in the production of coffee substitutes.

Dandelion roots contain the carbohydrate of inulin (up to 40%), as well as choline, phytosterols, and triterpenes. Inulin is now regarded as one of the most popular dietary products replacing sugar and fat in foods. Choline is a component of some phospholipids, in particular lecithin. It is considered a quasi-vitamine (it was formerly known as vitamin B4) due to its significant biological importance.

Phytosterols fulfil a similar function in plant cell membranes to that which is fulfilled by cholesterol in animal cell membranes. Phytosterols as antioxidants prevent oxidative processes occurring in fats. The health-promoting effect of phytosterols as product ingredients manifests itself in lowering the blood cholesterol level by reducing its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Triterpenes have been extensively uses in pharmacology as they exhibit anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and antiviral properties. This group includes, among others, sesquiterpene lactones, substances characterized by a strong bitter taste. Sesquiterpene lactones increase secretion of bile and pancreatic juice.

Dandelion roots are worth consuming as they contain:

  • Inulin, which has hypoglycemic properties (recommended for diabetics) and hipocholesterinemic properties (recommended for people with elevated levels of LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides),
  • Phytosterols
  • Triterpenes
  • Perfect coffee alternative

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